The Rev. W. J. T. Pascoe. (picture)

January 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 01 January 1932

The Rev. W. J. T. Pascoe.

If the large congregation which attended the institution and induction of the Rev. W. J. T. Pascoe as Vicar of Conisboro’ on Tuesday evening was an augury, Mr. Pascoe is in for a successful ministry there.

The beautiful old church was crowded with local parishioners and visitors from other parishes, including a large contingent from St. Paul’s, Masbro’, and St. Hilda s, Thurnscoe, where Mr. Pascoe had previously ministered.

The ceremony was conducted by the Bishop of Sheffield, assisted by the Rev. L. Webster (Vicar of Balby), who deputised for the Archdeacon of Doncaster, and performed the induction. There were also Rev Canon Morgan (Vicar of Rotherham ), the Rev. B. L. Knight (Woodlands), the Rev. H. Thornton (St. James, Doncaster), the Rev. S. Powley (Denaby). the Rev. W. L. Waddington (Balby), the Rev. J. E. Robinson (Conisboro’), the Rev. W. Dyer (Melton-on-the- Mill), the Rev. S. Snell (St. John’s, Masbro’), and the Rev. W. G. Mitchell (Wesleyan minister, Conisboro’).

There were present in the congregation Mrs. Burrows wife of the Bishop, and two distinguished Japanese guests of the Bishop, Mr. Sekiya and Mr. Watanake.

The Bishop, in the course of his address, said: “It is a splendid sight to see a church as full as this is to-night. All of you know unite well that the work of a Christian is very varied. Everybody has his particular work. The man who is firm and loyal to Jesus Christ among his fellows is doing as great a cork as the Sunday School teacher. If a man is a Christian, it will be clearly seen by others.”

The Bishop added that it was essential for a priest who led Christian congregations in worship, work, and life, to be faithful and loyal to Christ. Be must also be a hard worker. If a clergyman was not a hard worker he would not do any good. “I have never known a parish priest who worked hard and did not have a blessed result of his labour. I think you will agree with me that I, as the patron of this living, did not do badly when I appointed the late vicar (the Rev. H. Lee), who did excellent work in this parish. Now I have chosen to succeed him one I have tried in three parishes, all very different, and in every one he has proved himself to leave the two essentials, loyalty and energy. In Masbro’ he has done wonderfully well, especially among the children, from whom he raised a really marvellous Weavers’ Guild in connection with my appeal. I have tried to do my very best for Conisboro’ this time.”

Speaking to the new Vicar, the Bishop said, “I know you are a loyal priest and I know you are a hard worker. Conisboro is a very important, very ancient, and in some respects a very remarkable parish. It has an increasing population, and I earnestly hope and pray that God will give you help and strength to carry on a blessed work here.”

Turning to the people the Bishop appealed to them to pray for their Vicar and help him to forward his sacred duties. ‘May God bless you all in this parish.” After the service the visitors were entertained by the parishioners in the Parish Hall.