The Royal Visit – July 9th – Swinton En Fete.

July 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 13 July 1912

Swinton En Fete.

We are delighted with the reception on Tuesday accorded to the King by the Swintonians, who set themselves out to do the thing in the proper spirit. Through the long straggling and winding parish there was scarcely a house that did not demonstrate its loyalty in some way or other.

Long before the expected time of the passing of the Royal party, immense crowds, lined the streets and it was all the police could do to keen the inpatient crowds in hand.

After leaving Swinton Common, their Majesties found scholars of the Swinton Church of England school drawn up on each side of Church Street, in charge of Mr. Peat, headmaster and Miss Peat (infant mistress).each other happy and carefree little Britishers held a flag weight bearing the name of some colony or dependency over which King George reins, and as the youngsters waved their flag they give vent to lusty cheers, which were cordially acknowledged by the Sovereign and his Consort.

The Post office had been particularly well decorated, across the front of the Free Library was the motto, “Swinton Welcomes the King and Queen.” At each side of the library were assembled the children of Queen Street Council Schools, while in front of the building stood the members of the Urban District Council, including Messrs C Ward (chairman), Bower, Gibson, Hague, Tillotson, C. Bingham, Chappell, Hughes, Carr, Russell and Doctor Ram, with Mr F.H. Harrop (clerk) and others.

The Bridge Street decorations were very pleasing, and one set scheme opposite the Market Place was much admired. The frontage to the large open Market Place was occupied by schoolchildren from the Roman Terrace and Bridge Street schools, under the capable management of the teachers of the schools. Nearly every child carried a flag, and they gave vent in no half-hearted manner to their pent-up enthusiasm when the Royal party appeared in view. It was a memorable, interesting, and instructive day, not only for the schoolchildren, but for all loyal subjects. The shadow of the great calamity further down the valley rested over it.