The Royal Visit – July 9th – At Goldthorpe and Bolton

July 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 13 July 1912

At Goldthorpe and Bolton

After leaving Hickleton Hall, the Royal procession passed through Goldthorpe and Bolton.

The villages were en fête, and from early morning many of the inhabitants have been busy fixing the decorations, the Empire presenting a picture spectacle. Long before the time of his Majesty’s arrival a crowded congregation, many of the onlookers being grimy colliers, who had not had time to wash and change, but who were anxious to join in the vocal evidence of regard to their Majesties.

The schoolchildren were gathered outside the school in expected anticipation and spend the period awaiting cheering and singing the National Anthem.

About 3.25 a cry of “They are coming” was the signal for the vociferous outburst, and a second or two later appeared the big powerful Daimler with a small Royal Standard in front, slowed down appreciatively so that all had a good view of the King and Queen.

After passing slowly down Bolton Road, the pace of the car was increased until Goldthorpe Green was reached and here again passed through a loyal crowd onto Bolton which was reached about 3.35 pm.

The procession of cars again slowed almost to a walking pace, passing through the village by way of Furlong Road, Swinton Road, and Angel Street onto Mexborough Road. Outside the school the children had been arranged, and a picturesque spectacle they presented, a factor which His Majesty took notice, drawing Queen Mary’s attention to them when passing.

The time waiting had been spent singing the National Anthem, and the whole of the township appears to have congregated on Station Road, all with glad and expectant faces massed here and there and smiling welcomes to the King and Queen, whilst children of larger growth were equally interested and enthusiastic. The handsome and well-appointed car with its glass sides gave all an equal chance of seeing their Majesties.

From Bolton the cars took the circuitous route through, where after negotiating the ugly bridge under the Midland Railway, where the four roads converge, the Royal party came into full view of the Manvers Main Colliery. Over the crossing they were in the heart of the mining population of Wath upon Dearne, once known by the name of the “Queen of Villages,” and still with some beauty left.