The Season of Remembrance – Sorrow And Pride

November 1932

South Yorkshire Times – Friday 18 November 1932

The Season of Remembrance

Denaby Main

Sorrow And Pride

The Armistice service was held in the Denaby Main Parish Church on Sunday morning and accommodation had to be provided for about 540 people. The following public t bodies were present:

The Chairman and e members of the Conisborough Urban Council: British Legion, the Ambulance Brigade and Nursing divisions, Fire Brigade, Toc H., L.W.H., Scouts, R.O.A.B., Church Lads’ Brigade, and Church Council.

During the service the Vicar (Rev. S. Powley) rend out the names on the War Memorial. The choir sang the anthem “Save us O Lord” (Bairstow)  and “0 Valiant Hearts.” The Vicar preached from the text “Whosoever would become great amongst you shall be your minister, and whosoever would be first among you, shall be servant of all.”—St. Mark 10, 43-44.

He said: We meet again to honour those who gave their lives in the war and to pray that peace may be established on a sure basis. The toll in this parish was great and many homes were left desolate. We bow our heads with sorrow and lift them with pride. We pray that never again shall we experience war, but that peace and happiness, truth and justice shall be established among us for all generations.

“What is going to give us universal peace? Politicians can never do it, for they seem, morally bankrupt. It is only the spirit of God in humanity that is going to give us a new world. Never before has the Church had such an opportunity as it has to-day to show that peace can only be brought about upon a spiritual basis. The leaders of the Church a few days ago in a deputation to the Prime Minister assured him that the Christian people of England would support him in giving to the world a lead towards a substantial measure of disarmament. To. day we think of all those who made a great sacrifice, and Horner and glorious dead, let us with penitent and humble arts pray for the peace of all nations, at all may live as members one of another “

Following the Benediction, the choir and congregation proceeded to the Cenotaph where the Vicar said prayers, the Last Pulse was sounded, and the band played the National Anthem

Wreaths were laid by the British Legion, the Ambulance Brigade, Nursing Sisters, Scouts, or.A.O.B., top eight, Church lads Brigade and by many private mourners.