The Theft and Assault at Harlington.

August 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 August 1892

The Theft and Assault at Harlington.

Bertie Beevers, filler, Denaby, was charged on remand with having stolen, along with two other men, unknown, seven chickens belonging to William Crossley, at Harlington on the 6th inst.

Mr Baddiley appeared for the prisoner.

George Crossley, a son of the prosecutor, said about 3.30 in the previous Saturday afternoon, he was on the premises in the stack yard, and a fowl was killed by a stone being sent by a catapult. A man fetched the fowl, and others were also taken. There were three men, and he ran after them. One of the men knocked him down and jumped on the top of him and kicked him.

Mrs Davey, his sister, also went after the men, and she was assaulted. Two chickens were found in possession of the prisoner.

Mary Day, wife of George Day, corroborated, and said the found were worth 7s 6d.

Police constable Kendall deposed as to the apprehension of the prisoner. He said he found two chickens in the man’s pocket, and they were identified by the prosecutor. The man said they took the fowls and then divided them amongst themselves. The prisoner was worse for drink and seemed “muddled.”

Mr Baddiley, for the defence, said he did not attempt to justify what the prisoner had done. But he had got with bad companions and took part in the theft while under the influence of drink. Mr Baddeley mentioned that the prisoner’s father died in an asylum and that, when in drink he was not responsible for his actions.

The Chairman reminded the prisoner he was liable to 3 months imprisonment. Fined £2 including costs.