Mexborough and Swinton Times May 19, 1906
Theft of Batten of Timber
A Conisborough labourer named Ernest Samson, was summoned for having stolen a batten of timber, valued at 4d, from the yard of Messrs Kilner Bros, Conisborough on 3rd May.
Mr J Baddiley, who prosecuted, said that on the date in question about midnight, PC Cousens was on duty near to Messes Kilner’s glassworks, when he saw defendant coming from the yard and going in the direction of his home.
The officer thought he saw something under his coat, so he followed him, catching him near the glasshouse yard. He then noticed that he was carrying some wood, so he asked him what he was doing with it.
He replied, “I have taken it for a bit of firewood, and I hope you won’t say anything.”
He took defendant back to the yard, when he saw Harry Wilson, the yard foreman, and asked him if the defendant had any authority for taking the wood. Wilson said he had not.
Harry Wilson give similar evidence.
Mr Baddiley said the company did not wish to press the case, they did not ask for a large find to beam, as the defendant was an old servant and had a large family.
Defendant was ordered to pay 30/-including costs.