Theft of Money at Denaby

May 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times, May 6th 1892

Theft of Money at Denaby

Mary Elisabeth Wright, aged 16, of Denaby, was charged with having stolen 2 shillings, the property of Patience Dixon, and 1s 6 ½ d belonging to Ann Elisabeth Dixon, on the 29th April.

She pleaded guilty.

Amelia Dixon, a little girl, said she lived at Denaby Main. On the day named she went to the Powder Works at Denaby for her sister’s wages, and on her way back prisoner, who had accompanied her, asked her to let her look at the money which was wrapped up in paper. Witness accordingly handed the money to her. After examining it, prisoner gave it back to her, and on getting home she gave the money to her sister Patience.

Patience Dixon said when her sister Amelia gave her the money there was 2s. short.

It was decided to deal with only one case.

The father of the prisoner said he had been at Denaby fourteen years, and he had never had any complaint before about his daughter. He had a family of nine children.

Prisoner was dealt with under the First Offenders’ Act, and ordered to come up for judgment when called upon.