Mexborough and Swinton Times November 29, 1895
Theft of Timber at Conisborough
Thomas Donald (14), Leonard Feeney (15) and Benjamin Ward (15), pony drivers, of Denaby, were charged with stealing timber, the property of the Cadeby Main Colliery Company, value 5 shillings.
Robert Whitlam, assistant horsekeeper at Denaby Main colliery, living at Wells building, Mexborough, disposed that it was his duty to look after the pit ponies in a stubble field adjoining Denaby Main. There were some timber stacks in that field. He looked round these occasionally to see that all was right, the last occasion being November 9.
On this occasion he missed four props, such as are used in the pit. A day or so after he was shown some wood by the police, which he recognised as being similar to that on the timber stack.
PC Lumb was next called and stated that on the 13th of the present month he went to the house of Feeney, and there found two of the props. Then next went to the house where Donnell lived, and there found four pieces of wood, about 15 inches long, in the oven, and a piece about a foot and a half long, burning on the fire. He next went to Wood’s house and found two pieces there, about 9 feet altogether. The defendants pleaded guilty.
The parents of the culprits were present and expressed their regret at the occurrence.
The Chairman said they had the power to fine them or to birch them, but under the circumstances they would be dealt with under the First Offenders Act. They would be bound over to come up for judgement if called upon. The parents of the boys thanked the magistrates as they left the court.