South Yorkshire Times July 7, 1956
Threats at Denaby
Miner Bound Over
Because he thought a 26-year-old labourer was to blame for some trouble in which he had been involved, a miner met him one evening outside a Denaby hotel and threatened to “kick his face in.” This was alleged at the Doncaster West Riding Court on Friday, when the miner, Frank Hayward (37), Clifton Road, Denaby, pleaded not guilty to using threats towards Lionel Owen, of George Street. Denaby.
Mr M. Field, representing Owen, said that for some reason feeling had developed between Hayward and Owen, since the latter had been discharged from the Army as medically unfit. Owen thought that this was due to Hayward’s idea that he was responsible for some trouble in which he “Hayward” had been involved last year.
In June 18th, he went on, Owen was wearing a plaster cast on his arm as a result of a broken finger. Hayward met Owen outside a Denaby hotel and said: “don’t forget, when tha gets that off tha’ goin’ to ‘ave thee face kicked in and I’m goin’ to do it.”
Hayward denied that he had threatened Owen. “I told him, I want to see you when you get that pot off,” he told the magistrates Hayward said that he made no suggestion about kicking Owens face in.
Hayward was bound over in the sum of £20 to keep the peace for a year.