South Yorkshire Times February 9, 1946
Throw Open Cricket Nets to Youngsters
Councillor A.M.Carlin, an enthusiastic captain of Denaby and Cadeby’s Doncaster League side, has thrown out a commendable suggestion to his club committee.
Throw open the nets to the youngsters, he has said, and let them have the benefit of the experience of some of the older players.
Very properly he mentions the name of Ted Wathey, for years one of the best bowlers in the Don and Dearne Valley. “I am certain Mr Moffat would be only to glad to give the youngsters his tips,” Mr Carlin says
“The youngsters in last season’s team always played the game, and if we only teach them that, we shall have done something worthwhile.”
Mrs Jack Humphries, secretary of the Denaby and Cadeby club tells me that the club ran their junior club nets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays up to 1940 when they were obliged to close down owing to shortage of equipment particularly balls.
“It all depends on the rash and the Ministry of Supply will allow this year was caught the other, “If we can secure more tackle I can see no reason why we should restart the junior net.”