Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 5, 1886
Highway Offence.
Frederick Wilson, traction engine proprietor, Conisborough, was summoned for being the owner of a traction engine and not having his name on it, also for allowing his traction engine to stand too long on the highway on the 20th ultimo.
Police sergeant Noble stated that on the 20th January he was on duty at Common Lane, Conisborough, and there found a traction engine, attached to two wagons and a thrashing machine, standing in the middle of the road. He remained for some time, and subsequently went to the engine, in company with Police-constable Kendall.
Witness found Wm. Wilson, defendant’s brother, under cover of the engine asleep. Witness asked him what he was doing there, and he said a pipe had burst. Witness asked him to point the pipe out to him, and Wilson pointed to a pipe under the engine, but witness could not see that there was anything the matter with it. Wilson then said the engine was short of water and that it could not get any further.
Police-constable Kendall was left in charge of the engine until half-past twelve, when it went away all right. The owner’s name was not painted on the engine.
By Mr. Hal: The trucks and traction engine had Mr. Wilson’s name painted on them.
Police-constable Kendall stated that he was in company with the last witness, and found the engine standing on the highway. Witness stayed with the engine until half-past twelve, when Frederick and Rebt. Wilson came to the engine and drove it away. They did nothing whatever to the engine.
By Mr. Hall; There was a pipe from the engine to the dyke.
Wm. Wilson said he went to meet the engine on the day in question. He found that one of the pipes had burst and the water had escaped from the boiler. His brother went home to fetch some packing, and afterwards they fetched some water from a little dyke as quickly as possible. After the steam was up a pipe was laid to the dyke and sufficient water worked up. They remained on the highway no longer than was necessary. The name of the owner of the engine was painted on the engine.
By Mr. Harrison’s ‘post office general’ and druggist, of Conisborough.
When the policemen arrived on the scene, witness came from under the cover and said, ‘Holloa! There’s two policemen here.’
Robert Wilson corroborated his brother’s evidence. He said the pipe gave way about half-past four o’clock, and he left the engine about eleven o’clock. The pipe was repaired about half-past eleven o’clock. They were from half-past four until eleven filling the boiler with water, as they could only obtain a bucketful of water every five minutes.
The Chairman said the Bench would give the defendant the benefit of the doubt which existed in the second case.
For neglecting to have his name on the traction engine the defendant would be fined 10s. and 12s. 6d. costs.