Trespass and Damage at Conisborough

September 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times September 9, 1916

Trespass and Damage at Conisborough

At the Doncaster West Riding police Court on Wednesday, several Conisborough men and boys were summoned for trespass and damage.

William Halifax, a munition worker, Leonard Halifax (11), a schoolboy, his son, and Joseph Hunter, a dataller, of New Conisborough were summoned for trespassing in a field occupied by William Goodison. It was stated that they got through a hedge into the field.

When spoken to William Halifax said he did not know he was doing anything wrong; that he had come to look at Robinson’s haystack. Hunter said he had come out for a little fresh air.

Mr Goodison said the field was near the highway, and people had made a footpath through it. It was not a public road, and there were warning notices. The damage he estimated at 6d.

The elder Halifax said  Mr Robinson had asked him to go and help him to thatch a stack, and it was a near cut to go over the field.

He was fined 1s., ordered to pay the damage 6d, and the costs 8s. Hunter had a like amount to pay, and the case against the boy was dismissed.

Thomas Death, miner and Cecil Death (11) were similarly charged.

Mr Goodison said a man had to be always looking to the fences in order to keep the cattle in.

Mrs Death said her husband did not know he was doing anything wrong. There have been a road over the field for over 20 years.

The summons against the boy was dismissed, and the father was ordered to pay the damage 6d, 1s fine and 5s costs.

William Hirst (14) a pony driver, Conisborough, was summoned for damaging a hedge, and alleged that PC Watling, who caught him after a chase, struck him on the jaw, but the officer denied this.

Walter Wood, farmer, who assessed the damage at 1s, also denied that the officer struck the boy, but William Isaac Nixon admitted the boy trespassed, and said he saw the officer strike him.

Defendant was ordered to pay the damage 1s, a fine of 10s and the cost.

Jesse Coward (15), engine drive and Frederick Butler (14), pitch and of New Conisborough, were similarly dealt with for damaging grass.