Tribute to Late Colleague

September 1939

Mexborough & Swinton Times, September 16, 1939

Tribute to Late Colleague

At the commencement of the meeting, the council stood in silence in memory of the late Coun. J. Letherland.

The Clerk mentioned, that he had written to Mrs. Leatherland, and had had a reply from her, which he read to the meeting.

The Chairman referred to certain remarks which had appeared in the Press, and said he wished it to be made known that no councillor nor official member of their staff was receiving a penny for any work done in connection with A.R.P. Nor were they responsible for the allocation of paid posts, etc.

It was reported that an instruction had been received from the Ministry of Health that any house scheduled for demolition must at present, stay as it was.

A letter is to be prepared, in response to a letter from the Lord Mayor of London, appealing for private subscriptions towards the work of the Red Cross Society, etc. Coun. R. H. Shephard said it would be a good turn if they asked the Ministry´s permission to head the list with £50. No action on that suggestion was taken.

The Council are to meet representatives of Conisborough branch of the British Legion on the subject of the establishment of a bureau of advice for soldiers, sailors and airmen´s branches, and on Coun. Humphries´ suggestion they are to invite members of the Denaby branch to the discussion.