Twelve Denaby Scholars are Going to Town

June 1950

South Yorkshire Times June 3, 1950

Twelve Denaby Scholars are Going to Town

An opportunity for seeing London while they are still young, and for seeing it cheaply and thoroughly, is being given next week to 12 boys and girls from St. Alban’s Catholic School, Denaby. The boys and girls, in the charge of four of the school staff, leave Doncaster on Sunday for a five-day holiday.

Unlike some school parties to go onextra-curriculum holidays, there will be as little connection with school customs and standards as possible. The pupils will not wear uniforms, and there is “a slight difference between the staff of school hours and the staff of holiday hours.”

Mr. G. E. Williamson, headmaster of the school, will have with him Mr. K. Travers, Miss B. O’Malley, and Miss N. Gallagher. Each teacher will take charge of a section of the party, and will conduct a miniature tour of his or her own. A time-table of sightseeing and of transport arrangements has been drawn up and divided into sections. Each teacher will work on a different section each day, so that while some of the children will be seeing Buckingham Palace on one day, another party will be seeing Westminster Abbey.

All the children have saved their pocket money for the last 12 months for the hoilday. The estimated cost, including railway fare, and residence at the Northumberland Hotel, is about £7 and some of the pupils have saved almost that amount. The six boys and six girls, are between 12 and 15, and besides being a holiday for them, the tour will also prove an education.

Borne of the special features they trill see, besides those buildings and ceremonies usually seen by tourists, are a visit to the House of Commons, where an escort is being provided by the Rt. Hon. Wilfred Paling, M.P. a visit to a B.B.O. audience show, a river trip to Greenwich and Windsor, and an evening at the London Palladium, where they will watch the antics of the Crazy Gang.

This first outing by a party from St. Alban’s School since before the war is proving so successful, and the parents seem so enthusiastic, that plans are already, being made by Mr. Williamson for a similar visit next year—to Scotland.