Unprovoked Assault upon a Tradesman

March 1889

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 15, 1889

Unprovoked Assault upon a Tradesman

James Kitchen of Conisbrough, labourer, was charged with assaulting John Newbitt, greengrocer of Doncaster.

Complainant said on Saturday night he was serving a woman in his shop when the defendant came in and asked what the apples were a pound. He told him. He then asked what the walnuts were a pound a complainant told him 4d. He used very bad language, and witness ordered him out.

Defendant struck him twice, and made his face bleed.

Complainant called for the police, and police constable Knighton came up and chased the prisoner to the station, where he was apprehended.

Samuel Hunt deposed to been in the street in front of the complainant’s shop when he saw the defendant commit the assault.

The defendant had a clean sheet and has been in the service of Mr Nicholson of Conisbrough for several years.

He was fined 10 shillings and 13 shillings costs.