Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Saturday 04 January 1873
Sale by Mr Makin
Valuable Copyhold Houses and Freehold Building Land
To be sold by auction by Mr J P Makin at the Red Lion Inn Conisbrough on Thursday 23rd January 1873 at six o clock in the evening in two or more lots subject to conditions of Sale. All those sixteen copyhold cottages situate in Burcroft now or late in the occupations of Joseph Whattam, Samuel Boden, Robert Cooper, George Carson, William Wardell, Charles Carr, Benjamin Barber, John Midgley and others. (Duftons Row).
And also all that Copyhold plot of land adjoining thereto and suitable for building, now used as a garden and in the occupation of the said Joseph Whattam and others as tenants.
The above cottages are situate near the Sickle Works of Messrs Booth Brothers, Messrs Hudsons Corn Mill and Conisbrough Gas Works and can always command tenants.
And also all that plot of Freehold Building Land part of the How Robin Close situate in Conisbrough fronting the Doncaster and Tinsley Turnpike Road (now Sheffield Road) and containing 3364 square yards or thereabouts. The plot is well adapted for building and there is a demand for houses in the neighbourhood.
A considerable portion of the purchase moneys may remain on mortgage. For Further Particulars apply the Auctioneer, Rose Cottage, Mexbro’; or to
F. L. HARROP, Solicitor, Swinton and Rotherham