Visit to Poland off for Denaby Woman (picture)

July 1955

South Yorkshire Times July 2,1955

Visit to Poland off

July Klyta red

Mrs Barbara Klyta (20) of’ The Vicarage’, old Denaby, has abandoned visiting the parents in law Gust of Polish authorities of not given her an official invitation.

Mrs Klyta, a short hand typist at the Denaby office of the National Call Board, planned to leave this country on Saturday for a two-week trip.

Yesterday she told a “South Yorkshire Times” report:

“Apart from a formal acknowledgement of my request, I have heard nothing from the Polish Embassy. Naturally I am very disappointed as I was looking forward to the visit. It was always a dear wish that I should visit my parents in law.

Now Mrs Klyta has decided to work in the next two weeks shall take a holiday later in the year.

Her husband Mr Hubert Klyta  (33) was killed in a Mexborough road accident shortly before Christmas.

Mr and Mrs Pawel Klyta, living Chorsow, in upper Silesia, and repeatedly asked Mrs Klyta to visit them