Voting Day

May 1970

South Yorkshire Times, May 2nd, 1970

Voting Day

With election date, May 7th, looming up, both Labour and Citizen camps have been flexing their muscles this week in preparation for the big night. Door-to-door canvassing, a feature unheard of in the Conisbrough Urban District for a long time until last year, has been bringing a real election atmosphere to the area.

The camps are definitely divided as far as the reaction of voters is concerned. The Labour group have said they will be pleased with as good a turn-out as last year, when a poll of 60% was recorded in one ward, while the Citizens feel that even more should use their votes.

The Highest

Labour group leader, Coun. George Cheshire, said: “We had a 39% poll in the County elections last month, and this was, I believe, the second highest in the County.  Last year for the U.D.C. elections we were highly delighted with the number of people who turned out and if we get the same response this time we will have done well.

Coun. Cheshire thought that the high percentage recorded last year was due to “people being more aware of what is happening” and the fact that it was the first time for many years that all five wards were contested. He added: “For the general election the poll was around 80% but we would be very fortunate indeed to get that.”