Mexborough and Swinton Times October 7, 1898
Wage Advances
At the conference held in London last week, when the representatives of the mine owners, and those of the men were able to come to an amicable settlement of the vexed question of wages, I was very pleased to see that where there was no private agreement between the colliery company and the surface men, it was decided that all surface men, who were directly employed in the handling of coal, should receive the advance the same at the underground: men.
Yesterday, I met one of my Conisboro’ friends, who works on the pit bank at the Denaby Colliery and I asked him if the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery Company were going to pay their surface workmen the advance?
Yes! said he.
I am very pleased to say that the Denaby Company have promised to pay the advance to all surface workmen who are directly employed in handling coal the advance coming into operation on Saturday last, October 1st.