Extracts from Wainwright’s Book
Details of a feast, which appears to have been held on 14 September, 1321 and the following day at Conisbrough, make interesting and amusing reading: In all 15s 4d (77p) was spent! – And the following is what was bought for that sum:
In bread ………………………………………………………….1s 6d,
4 gallons of wine ……………………………………………..2s,
12 gallons of ale bought at Doncaster……………… 1s 6d,
16 gallons of ale bought at Conisbrough…………. 1s 4d
(apparently it was cheaperin Conisbrough, or was there better ale in Doncaster?)
Shambles meat………………………………………………… 2s,
eight fowls……………………………………………………….. 1s,
two geese ……………………………………………………………..8d,
eggs ……………………………………………………………………..3d,
two pounds of candles …………………………………………3d,
a woman´s wages for fetching the ale ………………..1d,
in provender for the houses…………………………… 1s 3d.
Tuesday following:
In bread bought…………………………………………………. 8d,
4 gallons of ale bought at Doncaster …………………….6d
(the beer from Doncaster must´ve been the more popular!),
shambles meat …………………………………………………8d,
two geese bought…………………………………………… 8d,
one fowl …………………………………………………..1 ½ d,
and 10 pigeons ………………………………………………..4d.
Wainwright notes that a copy of the original, in Latin, was “now framed and hung up in the house of Mr Bickers, innkeeper, at this place, which seldom fails to attract the notice of every inquisitive traveller.
It is in the handwriting of Mr Beckwith, late of Masbrough,” who added an English version.