Walking Without Legs at Conisbro’

August 1891

Sheffield Independent – Monday 03 August 1891

Walking Without Legs at Conisbro’

At the Doncaster Police Court on Saturday, Joseph Thompson, shoemaker, Conisbro’, was charged with obstructing the highway at Conisbro’ on July 21st.

According to the evidence Mr. Gibson, landlord of the Fox Inn, Conisbro’ was riding a young horse in a narrow street there, and defendant threw himself down in front of the animal.

Mr. Gibson had difficulty in passing him, a crowd having collected.

Defendant pleaded that he had had some liquor, and was walking without legs for a wager. He also alleged that the landlord bad a dislike to him as he had not been in his house for four year*.

He was fined 2s 6d. and costs £1. 1s. 6d