Wanted an Easy Time at Denaby Main

July 1910

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 30 July 1910

Wanted an Easy Time at Denaby Main

John Mills, pony driver, of Denaby, was charged with breach of the special colliery rule No 4, by pulling dirt down from the wall sides, in order, as Mr Gichard put it, that he might have an easy time while the dirt was removed.

Thomas Levers, a corporal in the mine, spoke to hearing an unusual noise, and the finding that defendant had pulled the dirt down. When defendant saw him coming he ran away. He calculated that there must would be three tons of “muck” now.

The lad had no right to interfere with the walls. There was another lad with defendant, but they had not traced him.

The bench thought this was a bad case, and put on a fine of 10/-and costs.