Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 26 September 1921
Wanted Husband’s Pipe
Strange Story at a Denaby Inquest.
Still a third case of suicide by hanging has occurred at Denaby Main.
Shortly after midnight on Friday, Mary Elizabeth Stainrod (47), wife of Joseph Stainrod, a miner, of 90, Loversall Street, Denaby Main, was found dead hanging behind the bedroom door.
At the inquest on Saturday the husband said that he last saw his wife alive about 10.55 on Friday night, when he went to bed and left her downstairs. He was awakened about 12.10 by his daughter, and found his wife hanging by the clothes line.
Witness said that during the day he ” had had some words with his wife” about a habit she had got into of smoking his pipe. He did not object to her smoking, but on this occasion she had wanted the pipe the same time as he had. When he returned from work about ten that right, she reopened the matter and picked up the poker, which he took from her.Eventually he “stopped the row” by going to bed.
The daughter of the deceased corroborated the father’s evidence. Soon after her father went to bed, said witness, her younger sister went upstairs, and her mother followed about five minutes-later. Shortly after midnight witness, who was downstairs, heard her sister shout, “Where is mother?” She ran upstairs, and her sister then exclaimed, “She is behind the door.”
The girl stated that her father had treated her mother, her sister, and herself well.
A verdict of “Suicide during temporary insanity” was returned.