Warning to Children Not to Interfere,With Defensive Works Progress

September 1938

Mexborough and Swinton Times September 30 1938

Warning to Children
Not to Interfere With Defensive Works
Progress at Conisborough

A comprehensive scheme of trenches to accommodate large numbers of people caught in air raids while away from their homes is now under full swing at Conisborough and Denaby. The work is being directed by Mr. H. Thirlwall, Surveyor to Conisborough Urban District Council, and his staff, and on Wednesday nearly 100 men were engaged in digging operations.

The scheme provides for trenches at the following sites: Behind the Mining Offices of the. Amalgamated Denaby Collieries, Ltd., to accommodate 400 people; recreation ground behind Cliff View, Denaby, 320; Northcliff Hills, by the children’s playground, 160,. to accommodate children and pedestrians descending and ascending Conisborough Crags; Elm Green Lane, 160 (with a possibility of a second trench’ with similar accommodation); rear of Park Road, Coniborough, 60; and also two smaller trenches in Station Road near the Station Road Schools and near Conisborough Middle School, the possibility of the latter trench depending upon the nature of the ground.

The workmen engaged on the schemes are drawn from the Council staff and from men sent from the Labour Exchange.

Boarded and Strutted.

Mr. Thirlwall told the “Times” on Wednesday that the trenches would be 4ft. wide at the top and 3ft. wide at the bottom with recesses 15ft. long. The trenches would be boarded and strutted throughout, and would be covered with Joists which, in turn, would be covered with galvanised iron sheeting, the whole being covered with earth to a depth of two feet. The trenches would also include a communication trench, latrine accommodation and gas curtains. The question of electric lighting was also being considered.

Mr. Thirlwall stated that children were warned not to interfere with the trenches, and that if they were found doing so drastic action would be taken. The distribution of gas masks in the urban area began on Wednesday afternoon, when special constables and air raid wardens were instructed by a touring loud-speaker van to report to the local police stations immediately to begin the work.

The gas masks for Denaby arrived yesterday arid special constables, air raid wardens and other volunteers had a busy day distributing them.