Warning to Colliers – Wages Paid in Public-House at Denaby.

January 1912

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 15 January 1912

Warning to Colliers.

Wages Paid in Public-House at Denaby.

The payment wages in a public-house is an illegal act for which George O’Neil, collier, Denaby, was summoned at the Doncaster West Riding Court on Saturday. Defendant pleaded guilty, and Mr. Gichard, who prosecuted, pressed the case.

It was stated that on the December defendant paid 6s. to William Robinson, who had been employed a labourer in the pit. Under the Coal Mines Regulation Act defendant was liable a penalty of £2.

It was highly important, apart from the question of propriety (said Mr. Gichard) that this practice of paying wages on licensed premises should not be allowed. A shed was provided by the company at the colliery, with desks, and a clerk was kept there to provide change, and there was excuse for not paying the money at the colliery. Notices were put up in various places warning the workmen against paying money in a public-house.

The Chairman (Mr.. Yarborough) said that that was the first case the penalty must be taken a warning. A fine of 20s. was imposed.