We Want “Gomersall” – Conisbro’ “Will Not Be Dictated To”

September 1951

South Yorkshire Times, September 22, 1951

We Want “Gomersall”

Conisbro’ “Will Not Be Dictated To”

For over 20 years Councillor Harry Gomersall has given good service to Conisbrough Primary School Managers as their chairman, and the last time the managers met, when the question was raised of naming the new primary school being built in Gardens Lane, Conisbrough, the managers paid Councillor Gomersall a compliment

They named the school the “Harry Gomersall” school

But when the Manager met last, night—Mr. Gomersall presiding —they were told something that did not please them half as much. The County Education Committee they heard, had decided, when discussing the re-naming of schools the West Riding, that the names of individual persons should not be used. The Managers were asked to consider a fresh name.

The Managers decided that they “would not be dictated to” and refused to consider another name. Coun. R. H. Shephard said “Our chairman has given us over 20 years service—yet we cannot have his name.” He proposed that the Manager’s write back to the West Riding and tell them that their nomination was still—the “Harry Gomersall” school.

His proposition found unanimous favour with the Managers.