Wedding – Harding & Goddard (picture)

April 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 19 April 1941

Mr. Charles Edward Goddard, superintendent of the Parish Church, Blythe Street Mission Sunday School and son of Mr. C. E. Goddard and the late Mrs. Goddard. 54. Balby Street. Denaby Main, was married at the Parish Church on Monday to Mrs. Priscilla Harding, 24. Ada Street. Saltaire, second daughter of Mr. W. Lockett and the late Mrs. Lockett, of Blythe Street. Denaby Main.

The Rev. S. Powley officiated.

Given away by her brother-in-law. Mr. R. Goddard, the bride wore a two-piece costume of thistle coloured material with toning hat and carried an ivory backed prayer book. She was attended by Misses May Bacon, Ivy and Mary Goddard, A. Malom and Dot Harris.

Best man was Mr. W. F. Croft, and the groomsman Mr. A. E. Kirkham. A small attendant. was Joyce Donnison, who presented the bride with a silver horseshoe.