Wedding – Lieut. G L Portrey (Conisbrough) and Miss S Pickett (Denaby) (picture)

December 1945

South Yorkshire Times December 8th 1945

Lieut. George Lancelot Portrey (Conisbrough)
and Miss Sheila Pickett (Denaby)

Img_0734 wedd

There was a large congregation at all Saints Church Denaby Main, on Saturday afternoon at the marriage of Miss Sheila Pickett, only daughter of Captain C. J. Pickett, M. C., And Mrs. Pickett, of “the Poplars,” Denaby Main, and Lieut. George Lancelot Portrey, R. A., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude portray, of “May-Lyne,” Minneymoor, Conisbrough.

The bride is well-known in the area and is a member of the teaching staff of the King Edward Road school, Balby, and a well-known local tennis player, the bridegroom was a member of the Cadeby Colliery surveying staff, and joined the forces at the outbreak of war.

He saw service in the Middle East and was in the battle of Torbruk and was later taken prisoner after tramping for a week in the desert. He spent a year in the prison camps in Italy and was later transferred to Germany, where he spent another two years in prison camps and was flown home after VE day.

He expects to return to duty in Germany in the near future.