South Yorkshire Times December 25, 1948
“Conisbrough” in Jersey
The wedding has taken place in Jersey, Channel Islands, of Miss Audrey Lund, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lund, ” Hill-crest,” Minneymoor Lane, Conisbrough, to Mr. A. S. J. de Gruchy. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. de Gruchy of Les Houges, Rozel.
The bride was given away by her brother in law. Mr. J. Falle, and was gowned in white figured satin with white net train and a coronet of gardenias and orange blossom. She carried red roses and heather with tartan ribbons, and was attended by Miss Mary Buchanan Mackenzie, who wore a cherry dress with elbow length white gloves and a coronet of gardenias. Her bouque , was of white carnations and heather.
Also attending the bride were her young nephew and niece, Philip and Louise Falle. Philip wearing a miniature kilt and Louise heave white crepe with cherry sash. Mr. George Branford was best man.
The ceremony at Bt. Andrew’s Church Milibank was conducted by the Rev. H. W. Quarrie.
At a reception at the Forum, 200 guests heard Dr. McKinstry toast the couple after deploring the loss of yet another of his staff. Min, Lund was a nurse at Overdale Hospital in Jersey, joining the staff there from Middleton in Wharfedale, near Ilkley.
Mr. and Mrs. de Gruchy left by plane for a honeymoon in London and Dublin. They have named their bungalow in Jersey ‘Conisbrough’.