Wedding – Marrow & Downing. (picture)

April 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 1st April 1932

Wedding: Marrow & Downing.

A guard of honour was formed by the Conisborough Young Leaguers at the marriage at Conisborough Wesleyan Church on Monday of Miss Fourest Mary Downing of Castle Grove, Conisborough, and Mr. Wilfred Laurence Marrow, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Marrow, Pym Road, Mexborough.

The bride has been secretary of the Young Leaguers for some years, and Mr. Downing is a well-known contractor.

Mr. Marrow is employed in the offices of the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries at Sheffield.

The Revs. W. G. Mitchell and W, Simpson (Mexboro’) officiated. The bride was given away by her father, and wore white satin trimmed with silver lace and carried white roses.

Miss Doreen Marrow, bridesmaid, wore powder blue silk and also carried white roses. Mr. Alfred Charles (Mexborough) was best man, and Mr. Paul Downing groomsman. The numerous presents included a mahogany cabinet of stainless steel and silver ware from officials and staff of the Colliery Company, and a cake stand from the Young Leaguers. The couple are honeymooning at Lytham.