Wedding – Ogley & White

June 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 14 June 1941

Mr K White (Conisborough) and Miss D. A. Ogley (Conisborough)

A friend of the bride’s father, Mr Harry Baker, of Braithwell, played the organ at the choral service at Conisborough Parish Church on Monday when Miss Dorothy Augusta Ogley, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ogley, 32. Daylands Avenue, Conisborough, was married to Mr. Kenneth White, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. White, of 10, Denaby Avenue. Conisborough.

The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a lace net picture gown with puff sleeves and a neckline of gardenias. She wore a veil of tulle and carried red roses and fern.

Bridesmaids were Miss Muriel Howson and Miss Freda Metcalf, wearing dresses of pink net over satin with head-dresses to match, and Miss Vera Allen and Miss Sylvia Spencer, who wore dresses of blue net over satin. In addition, there were two small attendants of green, Joan Callaghan, who had dress of green net over satin, and Stanley Coe who wore a pageboy suit.

Mr. Stanley Coe was best man and Mr. Cyril White groomsman. The bride is employed at British Westfalite works and received a silver tea set from her colleagues, and the bridegroom formerly worked at Denaby Main Colliery but recently joined the R.A.F. Volunteer Reserve.