Wedding – Tonks & Thomas – Oxford Graduate’s Swinton Bride

June 1951

South Yorkshire Times, June 23, 1951

Oxford Graduate’s Swinton Bride

Miss Yvonne Dorothy Tonks, only daughter of Mrs. F. Tingle and step-daughter of Mr. F. Tingle, J.P., The Bungalow, Rockingham Road. Swinton, was married in St. Margaret’s Church, Swinton, on Saturday, to Mr. Duncan Thomas, M.A. (Oxon), youngest son of Mrs. E. Thomas and the late Mr. D. Thomas, 21, Hamelin Road, Conisbrough.

The Rev. H. W. Quarrell officiated and Mr. G. P. Eyre was organist.

The bride, given away by her father, wore a model gown of ivory lace and net with a full-length veil surmounted by a wreath or orange blossom and seed pearls. She carried red roses and was attended by her cousins, Miss Sheila Brailsford; Miss Pat Brailsford and Miss Vivian Johnson, by the bridegroom’s niece, Miss Ann Sharp, and by her nephew, Master Robert F. Tingle. The bridesmaids, who wore sprigged organza period dresses with Dutch caps and mittens to tone, carried showers of sweet peas and received necklaces from the bridegroom. Best man was Mr. Malcolm Thomas, and groomsmen were Mr. Bernard Thomas and Mr. Guy Burden. Ushers were Mr. Geoffrey Tonks and Mr. Ernest Sheldrake.

The bride’s mother wore a model gown in Paisley designs with toning accessories, and the bridegroom’s mother chose a grey floral gown with suitable accessories. Following a reception at Swinton Masonic Hall the couple left for Jersey, where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride travelled in a grey three-piece suit with cherry accessories,