Wedding – Wright & Humphries (picture)

August 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 15 August 1942

Mr. W. J. Humphries (Conisbrough) and Miss E. Wright (Conisbrough).

The marriage of Miss Edna Wright, 1, Dearne Street, Conisbrough, to Mr. William John Humphries, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries, of Denaby Main took place at St. Peter’s Church, Conisbrough.

The bride, who was given away by her father wore a gown of white moire taffeta trimmed with satin lovers’ knots, with coronet of orange blossom and veil lent by Mrs. C. Riley and carried carnations. She was attended by Miss Jean Wright and Mrs. C. Riley.

The best man was Mr. A. Blakemore, and the groomsman Mr. C. Riley.

The bride has been in an A.T.S. Anti-Aircraft Battery serving in the defence of London for the past twelve months, and the bridegroom has been serving with the Royal Artillery for seven years, for the last three years at Gibraltar.