Well-known Conisbro’ Hairdresser – Mr. A. Batty (picture)

January 1957

South Yorkshire Times, January 19th, 1957.

Mr. A. Batty
Well-known Conisbro’ Hairdresser

Mr. Arthur Batty (77), a well-known Conisbrough hairdresser, was found dead in his bed at 45, Park Road, by his wife, Mrs. Freda Batty, last Sunday morning.

Mr. Batty had been in the hairdressing business for over 61 years, and at the time of his death he had a barber’s shop in West Street, Conisbro’, where he had been in business for almost 50 years.

Mr. Batty was of great help to invalids and to old people who were unable to go to his shop during the day. Although he started work early in the morning, he would go out haircutting late in the evening to assist these people.

He was, in fact, working up to the night before his death. Mr. Batty started in business with Mr. Harold Vine in Denaby and Conisbrough, and afterwards branched out on his own.

He was known as far afield as Doncaster and Leeds, and he had a number of customers from those areas.

Although over age at the time of the first world was he volunteered for service and he was a long standing member of the British Legion in Conisbrough. He was also a member of Conisbrough Castle Club.