South Yorkshire Times, May 31st, 1969
What About Our Tennis?- Plea
Conisbrough Northcliffe High School Governors are to press the County Council for an answer to questions asked a year ago concerning the lack of facilities for tennis at the school.
The County were informed last year of the Governors concern over this problem, and it was estimated then that the school was entitled to ten tennis courts, based on the number of pupils at the school.
Said Mr. J. Oxby, “We have got no further with this scheme than we were a year ago, and we have had no reply to our questions from the county. if the County are not prepared to do something. then we as governers must – by launching a campaigne for the raising of funds. i dont think we realise the potential of the people of this area both fianancially and as far as volunteer labour is concerned.
if we can contact the County Architect so he can advise us on the cost of the advisavility of a site, It will be a step in the right direction. Then we can get some concrete idea of how much we must raise.”
The governors decided to seek information from the county about what they were going to do so that the appropriate action can be taken.