Mexborough and Swinton Times May 5 1916
What the Policeman Saw
Conisborough Man Heavily Fined
A New Conisborough miner name William Edward Butcher was, at the Doncaster Police Court on Tuesday, heavily fined for Street betting at New Conisborough on Friday and Saturday in last week.
He pleaded guilty to the offence on Saturday, but denied betting on Friday.
PC Raper said he and PC Chiddy were on Friday at 1230 concealed in the vicinity of Doncaster Road for the purpose of keeping the defendant under observation.
They saw several men and women go to him and hand him something, so make entries in a book. The next day when he charged him he replied, “Gives a chance. I did not do much yesterday.”
On Saturday they kept him under observation, and saw other men give him something. When arrested and searched £2 6s 11d was found in his possession, composed of five half crowns, six two-shilling pieces, 17 shillings, 10 sixpences and 5d in copper. There were also three betting slips involving 15s 6d, and 10 bets on horses running at Windsor that day.
When charged he said, “Well, it is the only chance I have to do a bit at weekends. There is not much money stirring.”
Superintendent minty asked for exemplary punishment. The man was convicted three times last year, when he was fined £5, £10 and £15. People have something better to do with their money than throw it away betting.
The Chairman intimated the defendant will be fined £10 for the first offence, and £15 on the second charge.
Asked if he could play, the defendant said he could not because he had lost all the money he had.