Where Is The Pinfold? – Maps To Be Searched – Safety and Sultanas from Africa

July 1946

South Yorkshire Times, July 6th, 1946

Where Is The Pinfold?
Old Denaby Want Maps To Be Searched.

Old Denaby Parish Council are determined to discover what has become of the site of the village pinfold and at their meeting in the Village School on Monday. Coun. A. Downs (chairman) presiding, it was decided that a request should be made to the West Riding County Council for a search to be made of earlier maps in an effort to locate the site.

The Clerk, Mr. R. Dunn, reported that none of the maps in his possession showed any pinfold in the village, and Coun. A. Spyve said that the site should be shown on some maps.

Mr. Dunn said it was not shown on the 1930 Ordnance Survey.

Coun. A. R. Earnshaw said he thought the matter should be solved once and for all, but Coun. G. Wright said he did not see much sense in using parish money to fence the pinfold. He had never known anyone using it.

Coun. H. Ogley said that some years ago his father had kept a pig in what was believed to be the pinfold.

The Chairman drew attention to annoyance caused to residents by smoke from the chimneys of the Mexborough generating station of the Yorkshire Electric Power Co., Ltd, and the Council decided to communicate with the Company.

Safety Precautions.

Coun. Earnshaw stressed the need for the topping of certain hedges in the parish as a road safety precaution and the question was also discussed of the provision of traffic studs and white lines at various corners and danger spots in the village.

It was agreed also that the West Riding County Council should be asked to clean out the dykes in the parish, which were stated to have been affected by refuse resulting from the recent storms.

Coun. Spyve pointed out the need for the provision of surface drainage on the road at the rear of the Village School, and Coun. Earnshaw said that steps should be taken to prevent water running from the road into the school playground.

Need For Community Centre.

Coun. H. Ogley drew the Council’s attention to the need for a community centre for Old Denaby, and stated that there was nowhere for young men to spend their spare time, and it was agreed that the matter should be placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting.

The Council decided that the L.N.E.R. Company should be requested to exhibit notices in the drivers cabin at Mexborough Loco Department to the effect that stationary trains should be drawn clear of the railway crossing at Old Denaby.

The Chairman reported that he had received a gift of six lbs. of sultanas from South Africa for distribution in the parish, and it was agreed that the fruit should be given to the 20 old age pensioners of Old Denaby.