Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 27 May 1890
Whitsuntide at Conisborough.
This well-known rendezvous for pleasure-seekers was visited by large number of people yesterday, who were tempted out by the glorious weather.
The old castle, surmounted by its frowning keep, was inspected by a good many visitors, and the beautiful walks in the crags were also well patronised, while the river Don was dotted with pleasure beats.
In connection with the Conisborough Grand United Order of Oddfeliows, ” Pride of Conisborough” Lodge, No. 1,137, the annual dinner and festival were held the Red Lion Hotel, and well attended.
Afterwardsa gala took place in adjoining field, when a number of events were decided.
The Conisborough United Brass Band was in attendance, and played for dancing.