Whitsuntide At Denaby Main.
The Denaby Main Sunday School held their annual festival on Whit-Monday, and the affair was altered upwards of 200, and the Wesleyans 300.
Some excellent singing was rendered in good style under the leadership of Mr. J. Soar, and accompanied by Mr. M. Wilcock on the organ.
The Church scholars numbered 500, and they were headed by the Denaby Main Brass Band. They marched and sang in grand order. The smaller children rode on drays kindly lent for the occasion by the colliery company.
The new silk banner is a splendid specimen of its kind. After the parade the children went to the Church schools and did ample justice to a good tea. As the children left the schools, each one was presented with an orange and a small bag of sweets.
Then all went to a field at old Denaby, kindly lent for the occasion.