South Yorkshire Times, June 4th, 1955
Sunday School Festival
The 27th Whitsuntide Festival was held in the Conisborough Castle grounds on Whit Monday.
Large crowds attended the service and procession and there was a record collection for the United Sunday School funds. The four Sunday Schools, led by the St. Peter’s Choir paraded through the town from the Welfare field to the Castle.
Mr. E. Thompson of Worksop, formerly of Conisborough, presided at the ceremony and in his address recalled the first such gathering when he was present as a Sunday School worker. He said he was glad to see that Conisborough was still a strong Sunday School town.
The retiring Sunday School Queen, Miss Jennifer Smith, of the Baptist Sunday School, was present on the platform with her retinue. The new Queen, Miss Lois Smith, of the Parish Church, was crowned by Mrs. A. S. Grant. The curate, Rev. A. Grant, gave a short address. Mrs. I. Baber, of Wesley Church, led the hymn-singing at the piano.
After the ceremony the various Sunday Schools were entertained to tea and at 6 p.m. the schools competed in the sports at the Welfare Filed. The cup and shield were won this year by the Parish Church Sunday School.