Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 22 August 1930
Wholesale Thieving.
Conisboro’ Men’s Bad Record
“Ought Not To Be At Large”
William Frost, miner, Conisborough; Frederick Bonsall, miner, Denaby; and Amos Taylor, miner, Conisborough; pleaded “guilty” at Doncaster on Monday to stealing motor tools value £2 10s belonging to Guy M. Badley, of Conisborough, and stealing an automatic slot machine value £5 6s. belonging to Wilfred Milner, of Conisborough. Frost and Taylor also admitted stealing a magneto from Daniel J. Holland, of Coniborough.
Superintendent Minty said all the tools had not been recovered. Those produced in court were recovered from Wilfred Taylor at a Swinton garage. Taylor had bought them for 10s., and they were worth 12 10s., and he asked the magistrates to take note of the fact.
The slot machine was taken from outside a shop. It had not been recovered because after breaking it open the men threw it on to a passing train and it had been carried away.
Frost and Taylor removed a square of glass at Holland’s garage and took the magneto from the car. They sold it to a Walter Plum for 12s. after asking £1 for it. Plum knew Frost was a thief, and ought to be punished for receiving the magneto. Frost said he had not worked for 18 ‘months. None of the men could give any excuse for committing the offences.
All the men had bad records, and Frost had been in prison most of his life since 1910. He had convictions at Doncaster, Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent, Rotherham, and Thorne, and his offences included stealing lead, shopbreaking, warehouse-breaking and various larcenies. Bonsall was at the court on Saturday and was fined 40s. for stealing a waterproof sheet.
“Frost has a terrible record,” said the Chairman (Mr. H. Woodhouse). “You men are confirmed thieves, and ought not to be at large. You have been dealt with leniently in previous cases.”
Frost was sent to prison for 12 mouths, Bonsall for four months, and Taylor six months.