Wicked Conisborough Boys – Throw Stones at Gas Lamps

May 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 18 May 1912

Wicked Conisborough Boys

Throw Stones at Gas Lamps

The parents of Horace Sanderson, schoolboy, of New Conisborough, and John Willie Holderness, schoolboy, New Conisborough, were summoned for their sons’ damage to street lamps at Conisborough on May 5.

Mr Allen prosecuted on behalf of the Denaby Colliery Company.

PC Rushton said that on the Sunday in question he was on duty in Doncaster Rd, Denaby, when his attention was drawn by hearing a clinking sound. He caught Sanderson in the act of throwing stones at gas lamps. Three glasses were cracked in each lamp.

Witty Milner said he had examined the lamp, and estimated the damage at 6/–. That was more than the cost to replace them. Six panes were broken.

Defendants were fined 9/–.