Wilful Damage – Mistook Tar for Water

February 1912

Mexborough and Swinton Times February 17, 1912

Wilful Damage

Mistook Tar for Water

Joseph Fletcher, pit hand, of Denaby, was summoned at the Denaby and Cadeby Main collieries company for wilful damage on February 5.

Mr F Allen prosecuted, and said the defendant was charged with damaging tar in the pit yard by letting it run away. There was, he said, a big tank in the colliery yard at Lowfield. Complaints had been received about persons maliciously letting it run away. The tank was watched, and the defendant was seen to go and turn it on. In the interval between opening the tank and shutting it off about 1/– was wasted. The Colliery Inspector saw the man about it, and the excuse he gave was that “he thought it was water.” (Laughter.) He had been warned several times previously.

Jim Spivey Mr WV Simpkins, Property Inspector gave evidence.

Defendant was fined 1/– and costs.