Mexborough & Swinton Times, Jan16th 1915
Conisbrough Man Wounded
Under the Mouth of Roaring Guns.
We are indebted to Mr C H Allport, of Conisbrough, for an interesting account which private Wilson, formerly a local postman, who has been home on leave, gave him of the capture of guns.
Wilson was one of the party of about 150 Lincolnshires who advanced through a wood, which concealed their numbers, towards a German battery. They shot down most of the gunners, and those who remained, threw open their arms and hoisted the white flag. Our men advanced to take the guns and prisoners, when some 200 infantry in the rear of the battery opened fire on them. Nothing daunted, our men rushed at them. Fortunately the enemy were unaware of the fewness of our men, and they surrendered.
Wilson was wounded, a bullet passing through his arm and hitting his side. It shattered, his wrist and he has to undergo an operation shortly. Wilson, who now lies in the hospital near Southampton, has written the following letter:
“You may be very surprised to see I have arrived back again in beautiful England. It seems so quiet after being continually under the mouths of those roaring guns. There have been some very exciting times, especially when we first commenced.
The battle of Mons will never be forgotten, I think not, at least, by those who saw it… I was only thinking how nicely I was creeping through it – for it was only by the mercy of God, that I had escaped so far – but they found the mark on me… It is a week today (Saturday, December 17) since I got the wound about four o’clock in the afternoon. We were charging a village. You see it does not take long from the firing line to get back again.