Without A Licence

October 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 12 October 1912

Without A Licence

For driving a motor-cycle without a licence at Conisbrough, on September 18, Joseph Turnbull, of Conisbrough, was fined 2/6 and costs.

P.c. Knowles said that at 12.30 p.m., he was in Doncaster road, where he saw the accused riding a motor-cycle from the direction of Doncaster. Witness stopped him, and asked him if he had a driver’s licence. He replied, “Yes,” and commenced searching his pockets. He then said he had left it at home.

The constable came at his home, where he admitted that he had to licence, saying, “I told you a lie, but I did not know what to say exactly.”

The defendant’s father appeared, and pleaded guilty on his behalf. His son, he said, had borrowed the machine for the first time.