Writing on the Walls at Denaby.

June 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 06 June 1902

Writing on the Walls at Denaby.

Joseph Grundy, a pony driver, aged 16, of Conisboro’, was summoned for writing on walls, etc., at Conisboro’ on the 7th May.

Defendant did not appear.

P.-c. Barnett stated that at 8 p.m. on the 7th May he was on duty in Denaby road, New Conisboro’ where he found the defendant writing on a wall near to the footpath with a piece of chalk. He watched him, and noticed that he was writing obscene words that were mentioned in the summons. For some time past the walls and doors in that neighbourhood had been covered with hand writing.

He told the defendant he would be reported.

P.-c. Kilner corroborated.

Defendant was fined 20s