Xmas Treat at Denaby – 1000 children received gifts

January 1915

Mexborough and Swinton Times January 2, 1915

Xmas Treat at Denaby
1000 Children received Gifts

The Large Hall at Denaby Main last Thursday evening resounded with the audible joy of 1000 children – the offspring of the men of Denaby, Mexborough, new Conisbrough and Conisbrough who are serving with His Majesty’s Forces – who through the kindness of those who have helped to swell the funds of the Denaby and Cadeby Main War Relief Fund, each received a present from the giant Christmas tree, cut from the estate of Mr J.S.A. Fullerton.

The tree had been lavishly decorated, and the hall itself presented an extremely gay appearance. On the present – which were allocated with due regard to suitability to the ages of the recipients – some £40 and been expended, so it will be judged that the individual toys were some considerable value

There was no Santa Claus, it is true, but the little ones did not appreciate their gifts the less because they were handed to them by a happy band of ladies, including Mrs Gibbs, Mrs Bedford, Mrs Troughton, Mrs Engledow, Nurse Beckless and the Misses Cawton, Richards, Rhodes and Bedford and at the conclusion of the distribution they cheered lustily, and sang the National Anthem with all the patriotic vigour of childhood. As they left the hall they were each presented with an apple and an orange

In the absence of Mr W.H.Chambers, the preliminaries were presided over by Mr G Cooke (Chairman of the Central Committee) who made a happy speech explaining to the children through whose generosity they were entertained. The secretary, Mr R.V.Beckford, is to be congratulated on the manner in which the arrangements were made, and the credit for the pleasurable time children had also should be shared by the following gentlemen who assisted at the distribution: Mrs T.Hill, P Bonsall, J Kelsall, W Wilkinson, E Robinson, A Robinson, G.L.Robinson, J Engledow, E Paxton, J Cox, JH Dunk, H holy, J Hoyle, F Ogly, G Smith, E Hanks and E.Worsley