Y.M.A.  President’s Message – “Stick It And We Shall Win” – New Year Call

January 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 04 January 1941

Y.M.A.  President’s Message

“Stick It And We Shall Win”

New Year Call

“Come the three corners of the world in arms and we shall shock them. Nought shall make us rue if England to itself do rest but true.”

These inspiring words rom Shakespeare were quoted by Mr. J. A. Hall. J.P., the Yorkshire miners President and Chairman of the Wombwell U.D.C., when asked for a New Year message for our readers.

“I cannot find words more fittingly to express what I consider is, and certainly should be the national spirit,” said Mr. Hall.

“lf I were to use more prosaic phrase I should say that our determination must be to ‘stick it.’ That is the mood in which ultimately shall win through. We know what is at stake – none better than the miners. The fate of civilisation is in the balance, freedom and justice as we know it are engaged in a desperate struggle for survival.

The issues are clear cut; our cause is well understood. The first four months of 1941 will, in my opinion, be the testing time. Great sacrifices will have to be made. Maybe we shall be called upon to face the severest ordeal in our island history. But as the occasion always produces the man it will also inspire the will to victory. Let each individual resolve to pull his full weight. Leave no stone unturned that will conduce to success Above all show patience and goodwill. Let the spirit of Christmas prevail throughout the year. Britain is on its mettle. We live in a great moment of history. Be of good cheer, we shall win through. I repeat—’Stick it’.”

Mr. Hall himself showed a good ! example of the spirit of “Go to it.” He devoted his Christmas to work in the coalfield being engaged on an urgent matter at Bullcroft until last Sunday.