Young Conisbrough’s Airman’s Sacrifice to be Recognised (picture)

July 1946

South Yorkshire Times, July 20th, 1946

Young Conisbrough’s Airman’s Sacrifice to be Recognised

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The sacrifice of a young Conisbrough airman, who, with the fullness of life just about to open before him, gave his life for this country, a land not actually his own – he was a native of Eire – is to be professionally acknowledged in the near future by the inclusion of his name on a war memorial to be placed in a position of honour in the London Press Club, the most famous and oldest club of the profession of journalism in the world.

The airman is L.A.C. Patrick A. Reel, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Reel, 5, The Crescent, Conanby, who died in Burma within a few days of the capitulation of the Germans.

This war memorial, to be the task of a distinguished artist, is to take the form of a book in which will be recorded the numbers, ranks, names, Service, professional occupations and the titles of the newspapers they served of all journalists from British newspapers who died in the war.