Youthful Trouble – Alleged Assault and Damage at Conisboro’

June 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 01 June 1912

Youthful Trouble

Alleged Assault and Damage at Conisboro’

Fred Coles, a labourer, of Conisborough, was summoned by Helen Fiddler, also of Conisborough, first with damage to spectacles, and second with assaulting the complainant at that place on April 19.

Mr F Allen prosecuted.

As a result of an argument, he said the defendant hit the complainant’s little brother, knocked him down and smashed a pair of spectacles. A man came up and stopped the defendant hitting the lad, and also the complainant.

Helen Elizabeth Fiddler corroborated. The spectacles were valued at 14/9.

Fred Rudge, an eye witness, said the defendant struck the girl once. He never saw the spectacles. The magistrates dismissed the damage charge and find the defendant 3/– and 25/– costs for the assault.